Let’s get straight to the facts. No intro story, no attention-catching photo. Most of us need to become better listeners.
I especially notice this when I’m with people who are out-of-the-ordinary… either really, really good listeners, or really, really bad ones. But the other day I found myself confronted with the truth found in James 1:19: I should be quick to listen and slow to speak.
There are three reasons why we should learn to become better listeners:
1. It’s the way we learn things. Who speaks, sows; Who listens, reaps. -Argentine Proverb
Could we really count listening as a privilege – as an opportunity to reap?
2. It’s the way we learn to speak.
The more we listen, the more we’ll learn how to respond – and become better sowers. We teach this in second language acquisition – it’s more important to listen and understand than to know what you’re going to say next. I think I need to practice that rule in my first language, too!
3. It’s one of the best ways to minister to people. The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out. Proverbs 20:5
As we listen to people, we give them an opportunity to open their hearts and see for themselves what is inside.
So, let’s figure this out: What does becoming a better listener look like in real life? Comment below!