Imagine yourself outside the doors of the throne room of the king. Large doors, somber guards, exuberant decor. Servants attending to his business but not passing into his presence. As you approach the doors, the guards recognize you, the king’s child. They move quickly to open the door, because you have free access to his presence any time you wish.
See what great love the Father has lavished upon us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1
There are many identities within a kingdom. There are servants, there are soldiers, there are civilians. But there are also the closest: the royal family. Perhaps one of the most important identities for us to recognize is our sonship.
Sons and daughters of the King have so much to enjoy:
1. They have an inheritance
As children of the king, we have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade” (1 Pet 1:4). It’s not an inheritance of earthly riches, which pass. But it’s “kept in heaven for us.” What a cause for rejoicing!
2. They have authority
As children of the King, He promises that we “who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness [will] reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” (Rom 5:17). The authority that we have isn’t by our own merit. We have it through His free gift and by His grace. We can stand against our enemy with all the authority of our King.
3. They have all the love of their Father
Perhaps the children of some earthly kings experienced a lack of love from their busy, governing fathers. But as children of the Perfect King, we have a Perfect Father. As His children, we have the right to enter His presence. We can enjoy intimacy with Him and experience His perfect love on a constant basis.
Our Father desires for us to recognize our role as sons and daughters. He has much love to pour out on us. He has things on His heart to share with us. He desires for us to come to him with open hearts. My Father is my King.
Hear the words that the Father Himself spoke over His Son, Jesus:
“This is my son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased” (Matt 3:17).
If Jesus needed to hear that affirmation from the Father, we need it even more. Son or daughter of the King, He is well pleased with you. Enjoy His presence. Enter in. The doors are open for you.