When I’m in my normal life in the country where I live, it’s easy to measure “success.” I’ve created measurable objectives that tell me if I’m doing the work that I believe I’m called to do. But when I’m outside
In the last reflection I shared the first part of my friend Hanan’s account of some of her spiritual encounters. I share this not to exalt the presence of darkness but rather to shed light on a worldview and help us become more
Dreams & Visions
I’ve spent much of my life surrounded by post-modern, materialistic thinking. If my stomach is upset, I take some medicine. If I have an odd dream, I chalk it up to my evening snack. If something goes abnormally wrong in my life,
Altar of Sacrifice
“I feel nervous about getting back into the busyness of life this week,” I wrote in my prayer journal a few years ago. “I don’t feel like I’ll have the capacity to do all I need to do… but I’m
Altar of Separation
“I can’t imagine ever being as close to a group of people as I am to this team,” I wrote in my journal just after my trip to Peru in 2005. Between pre-trip training, first-ever flight experiences, eating unknown foods,
Altar of Pilgrimage
I first sensed a stirring towards Colombia when I was still in high school. I had gone on a church trip to Peru, and for some reason the neighboring country – land of drug dealers, guerillas, and paramilitary activity drew
Altar of Obedience
A while ago I was reading through Genesis and was struck by the number of altars Abraham built. I was only consciously aware of one of his altars – the one that involved the almost-sacrifice of his son. I began to do some research
Newly Oriented
Across the world, mosques have been “shuttered,” as the English-language news sources here have been saying. For Muslims during Ramadan, restrictions are particularly challenging. On a social level, Ramadan (and eid, the holiday that follows it) is a season similar
Sabbath Rest
Sabbath wasn’t really a part of my life until I moved to the Middle East. Sure, Sundays were special because I got to be with my church family (and maybe take an afternoon nap) but from the time I held
Image of the Invisible
“Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day…” (Gen 3:8). A Muslim friend and I were discussing the Biblical account of the Creation story. When