For the past month, I have been writing a series of “Ramadan Reflections” – five posts a week during the month of fasting. I have sent these out via email, but I also recently posted them all here on the
Love, Truth, Power
I don’t know where the idea originated, but one of the helpful frameworks we talk about a lot is the idea of three different encounters that many people have on their journey to faith in Christ: love, truth, and power. 2 Corinthians 6
“I don’t feel very productive,” one of my teammates admitted the other day during a conference call. It could have been any of us talking that day, because we all have days and weeks where “productivity” is an anomaly. What
Some days, words come slowly. To be honest, my relationship with the written word isn’t always amiable. I’ve had seasons of writing because I wanted to and seasons of writing because I had to write (like for school) and seasons
May We Be Thirsty
As a Middle Eastern shepherd, David was well-acquainted with thirst. What happens when the stream you were leading sheep toward for hours has dried up and your waterskin is empty? In the case of David, he may have had to
All Are Thirsty
I step out of the house a few minutes before 2 pm, hoping I’ll have enough time to do my errands before my 3:00 appointment. I’m not feeling especially thirsty and it’s not until I’m hit with the 95-degree heat
He Pastures Me
“He makes me lie down in green pastures” (Ps 23:2). All languages have unique capabilities and limits. As a learner of Spanish and Arabic, it can be frustrating when I have a hard time succinctly communicating an idea that is
A Question of Works
When I’m in my normal life in the country where I live, it’s easy to measure “success.” I’ve created measurable objectives that tell me if I’m doing the work that I believe I’m called to do. But when I’m outside
In the last reflection I shared the first part of my friend Hanan’s account of some of her spiritual encounters. I share this not to exalt the presence of darkness but rather to shed light on a worldview and help us become more
Dreams & Visions
I’ve spent much of my life surrounded by post-modern, materialistic thinking. If my stomach is upset, I take some medicine. If I have an odd dream, I chalk it up to my evening snack. If something goes abnormally wrong in my life,