I am all about the long view. I’m often to the one to remind others of how the Lord will work things for good in the end and how, in light of eternity, our troubles are truly small. People have
Pentecost Sunday was just a few days ago. What a fascinating story of the out pouring of the Holy Spirit. As the disciples gathered together they were probably still trying to figure out exactly what Jesus meant when He said
Groaning Inwardly, Awaiting Eagerly
What are you looking forward to? It’s a hard question for me to answer these days. So much of the future is unknown. I’m looking forward to getting home, but I don’t know when that will be. I’m looking forward
Carrying the Backpack
Hebrews 12 has always intrigued me. It’s a hard passage to call my “favorite,” but it has impacted me significantly the past three months in particular. When I first started studying it, I used one of my favorite reference tools
My mom makes the best lentil stew. Its mouth-watering combination of cumin and vinegar give it a unique flavor unlike any other dish. I’ve made the same recipe a couple of dozen times – but it’s never quite as good
The Discipline-Inspiration Cycle
I used to write in high school. Only a couple of friends read what I wrote. (Back in 2013, I posted a couple of things I wrote in High School. You can read two of them here: “A Full Understanding”
Legacy of Listening
“As I’ve been reading your news, I’ve been wondering…” “I just have to ask you….” “Tell me more about…” These were the questions that marked 4-hour dinner conversations. I wasn’t the one who asked – I was the one who
The Slaughter
Warning: the following post contains one picture that shows blood and another picture that shows the cooked head of a sheep. “Come to my house the first day of the Eid,” my friend, “Miriam,” said to me a couple of
The Problem with Extremist Logic (and what we ought to learn from it)
A Russian commander, in fighting j|hadists, is credited with asking, “How do you fight an enemy who, when looking down the barrel of a gun, sees paradise?” If terrorism is a war and j|hadists are the enemy, fighting and killing
Run, run, run
“Run, run, run,” the Russian tandem pilot instructs me pre-launch, waving his gloved hand in a forward direction with each repetition of the word. “Run” “go!” and “ok?” seemed to be the only three English words he had mastered. “Yes”