I have no problem admitting my fears. I’m afraid of driving on icy roads. I’m afraid of falling from high places. I’m even a little afraid of snakes and spiders. And if that’s all the deeper I dig, that’s about
Counted Worthy
“Did you see what happened in Libya?” The caretaker for our building is an Egyptian Coptic and often expresses fear for his family in Egypt. I nodded my head silently. “I didn’t sleep last night,” he added. I didn’t know
In Wilderness and War
“When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them along the road to the land of the Philistines, even though it was nearby; for God said, ‘The people will change their minds and return to Egypt if they
When the Bad Guys (seem to) Win
A young female aid worker is taken hostage and, a year and a half later, confirmed to be dead. A teenage boy from a Christian family converts to the religion of the majority and is applauded by local religious authorities.
Grieving with Hope
I woke up sad this morning. Along with my neighbors, I grieve the brutal death of a man who was trying to defend his country. I contemplated the tragedy of the situation and opening Scripture, truth rang clear: “There is
This Battleground
Aren’t all battlegrounds dangerous? The question rang in my mind as I sat cross-legged on a thick fleece blanket on the floor. The sun had just risen, but I hadn’t opened the blinds yet because I’ve found I’m less distracted
I’m at Risk
Lord, I reasoned with Him as I drove down the road toward Northern Minnesota, I just don’t think that this is what You’ve called me to. You’ve called me to minister to the Church, not the lost. You’ve given me
Persecution and Proclamation
Our hearts are broken for our brothers and sisters around the world who are facing persecution. We are particularly aware of their suffering right now as we see on the news and social media what is happening to thousands of
No Kneading Necessary
I’ve enjoyed baking for as long as I can remember. Since I was little I would watch my mom cook, I would read cookbooks, and I would try my own inventions in the kitchen. I clearly remember watching her knead
Respect and Truth
“You should be fasting,” a taxi driver said to me just a few minutes into the ride home. I don’t make a habit of talking to taxi drivers, but this one seemed determined. I counted it as a chance to