Today, my faithful blog readers, wraps up the “40-day blog challenge” that I gave myself. I am glad to say that I fulfilled my goal of a blog post a day… though a bit embarrassed for the quality of some
Yesterday I began what has seemed to be an impossible task… packing. In reality, I began several weeks ago. I sorted through clothing, picking out anything that was stained or that I didn’t like. I separated a bag to give
Memorable Monday: Reputation realization
This is something I wrote back when I was a senior in high school. My writing was much more vague then than it is now. Enjoy!______________ How interesting my life has been. I have learned so much this past week,
Everyone says they have the best mom in the world. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I suppose “best” is subjective to everyone’s comparison — but there’s one thing I know: I wouldn’t trade my mom for any other,
Heart of generosity
As I reflect back on this last year and a half, I’m amazed how God has put things together. He has brought just the right people to fulfill so many roles. He has moved on the hearts of so many
Kingdom: Expansion
“I am wasting my life. That was the hardest part for me about leaving my faith,” my declared agnostic Israli friend, Michael, told me. “I had to face a sense of purposelessness.” I had just enjoyed a “mana falafel” – a
Kingdom identity: Slave
Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to many things. This is because none of the analogies completed the picture 100%. It’s the same way with the analogies of who we are in Him. As I wrote on Tuesday, we have
Numbering your days
Frozen breaded foods all smell about the same. I dumped a bag of chicken nuggets onto a baking tray at the Salvation Army and spread them out. They would be the snack for the couple of dozen kids that came
Kingdom identity: Royal family
Imagine yourself outside the doors of the throne room of the king. Large doors, somber guards, exuberant decor. Servants attending to his business but not passing into his presence. As you approach the doors, the guards recognize you, the king’s child. They
Kingdom: Key concepts
When I think of the word “Kingdom” outside of any spiritual context, I imagine great majesty and riches. I see a king dressed in fancy clothes that in my context would be considered a costume. I think of rolling green