As I reflect back on this last year and a half, I’m amazed how God has put things together. He has brought just the right people to fulfill so many roles. He has moved on the hearts of so many to give generously to make this work a possibility.

I remembered a paraphrase I wrote from 1 Corinthians 6 a few years ago, and I wanted to share it with you again. Thank you so much for your generous support – in so many ways. Your comments, your encouragement, your financial support, and your prayers have been an amazing blessing to me during this season.


There’s one thing I’m remembering, and I want to remind you, too. Generous sowing brings a generous harvest, and stingy sowing brings a stingy harvest.  So no matter what “generous” means for you, just make sure you do whatever it is that God has put in your heart.  But don’t do it out of guilt or because you simply feel like you “should” – because God wants cheerful givers.  Plus, you don’t have to be hesitant because God has promised that in ALL things at ALL times He will make ALL grace abound, so that we’ll have ALL that we need and be able to about in ALL good works!

So, not only does God provide grain for the farmer to sow plus enough to make bread, but He promised to increase our store of seed so that our harvest of righteousness will be even greater.  He has promised to make us rich in every way so that we can be generous on every occasion… and let me tell you, your generosity will result in people praising and thanking HIM.
When you give, you’re not only meeting the needs of God’s people in Colombia and my trip, but you’re causing people to turn to God and praise Him.  The proof you’ve given of your support is causing the team and I to praise God for your works that follow your faith in Him.  Because of that, when I pray for you (and I do!), my heart truly feels connected with yours because of the way you’ve shown me God’s grace.  Can you believe how God has set this thing up?
Heart of generosity
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