“Run, run, run,” the Russian tandem pilot instructs me pre-launch, waving his gloved hand in a forward direction with each repetition of the word. “Run” “go!” and “ok?” seemed to be the only three English words he had mastered. “Yes” and “thank you” were the extent of my Russian, so he was ahead of me in communication ability. “Heyk? Heyk?” (like this? in Arabic) I ask him, extending the GoPro camera he put in my hand – as though he understood my second language. Our language brains are so strange.

I’m not a big thrill-seeker. Sure, I live in the Middle East, but paragliding in Central Asia seems more risky than daily life in the Arab World. At the same time, I love a good (not-too-scary) experience, so I always thought that if I ever had the chance to skydive – without having to pay a fortune – I would. Granted, paragliding is not skydiving. There is no high-speed freefall involved. Nevertheless, running off the side of 30,000 foot mountain in hopes that a canopy will catch wind at the right time seemed risky enough.

The pilot connects his harness and mine to the canopy, then latches our harnesses together. Run, run, run, I think to myself as I stand on the edge of the steep slope, looking to the valley below. I suppose the canopy won’t a catch a breeze while we’re just standing here.

The view standing on 30,000 foot mountain peak is spectacular. Half the reason I decided to go paragliding was so that I would be allowed to take the chairlift to the very top of the mountain and take pictures. The other half the reason was that it was super cheap and I couldn’t imagine ever having the same opportunity at that price. No half of the reason involved my sense of adventure or seeking an adrenaline rush.

Day to day walking with the Lord is such a blessing. We don’t always recognize it, but He wants to guide us step by step, to abide in us as we abide in Him, to speak to our hearts and to minister through us on a constant basis. What an honor that He has called us to this daily life! But, we would all agree, mountaintop experiences are amazing. The conference, the retreat, the morning when He meets us in a special way – we love those times.

We know we won’t be on top of the mountain forever. Sometimes we walk down. Sometimes we take the chairlift. And sometimes Jesus harnesses us to Himself, leads us to the edge of the mountain, and says what we’re a little afraid of: Run, run, run!

Sometimes He leads me to the Cliff Of Sharing The Gospel With A Friend. I stand on the edge, a bit nervous, but my confidence increases when I feel Him right there behind me. “Run, run, run!” He says, and I do. I start sharing, and the wind of the Spirit catches the canopy and all of the sudden the words I’m sharing aren’t coming from me anymore.

“Say go?” I ask to the Russian Pilot whose harness is now anchored to mine. He doesn’t respond for five seconds, but then I hear “Go!” and feel a firm tap on my back. We start running, and within a moment the canopy catches wind and lifts us off our feet.

The mountaintop view was great, but when there’s no mountain under you the view is spectacular. The launch is a little bit scary, but the Canopy is strong, and the Wind never fails to carry you where the reliable Pilot directs.



P.S. If you want to see the whole video that the pilot gave me, comment below or send me a message and let me know!

Run, run, run

3 thoughts on “Run, run, run

  • December 30, 2015 at 9:33 am

    AWESOME!!! Love the adventures you are on! I would love to see the video.

  • December 30, 2015 at 2:29 pm

    Amazing, I can’t even imagine what that must have felt like, soaring above the mountains, I would love to see the entire video.
    You go girl!!

  • January 19, 2016 at 9:33 pm

    Yes, I would like to see the full glide. Thanks.


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